Add FAQs To WordPress Page With FAQ Grid Divi Module
FAQ Grid is a divi module that adds list of FAQs on divi page. FAQPage Schema provides the data for the faq list.
This module provides
- Divi visual builder support
- Ability to create a grid ranging from 1 to 4 columns .
- Ability to style open & close icon
- Ability to style FAQ list wrapper
- Ability to style FAQ item
- Ability to style question
- Ability to style answer
No programming skills required.
- A WordPress website
- WordPress Schema Plugin plugin
- Divi / Extra Theme by Elegant Themes
- Computer
Total Duration : 10 minutes
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Step 1 - Add FAQ Schema In SEO Schema Settings

Goto WordPress Admin > Seo Schema > FAQ
Create and add FAQ settings.
Save the settings.
Goto a WordPress that has FAQ Schema associated with it. Make sure to fill the post meta data for faq schema.
For details please refer
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Step 2 - Edit WordPress Page In Divi Visual Builder

Open a WordPress page on the front-end that has the FAQ Schema associated with it.
Click on Enable Visual Builder. This loads a divi visual builder
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Step 3 - Add FAQ Grid Divi Module

Create a regular section
Add FAQ Grid divi module
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Step 4 - FAQ Schema Page Section - Divi Module

In the divi module, goto Content tab and then FAQ Schema Page section.
In this section, you'll need to select a page that has FAQ Schema associated with it.
- Use Select FAQ Schema Page drop-down to select a page that has FAQ Schema
- Use --Use Current -- option to use the current page's FAQ schema
- Use Select FAQ Schema Page drop-down to select a page that has FAQ Schema
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Step 5 - Grid - Divi Module

In the divi module, goto Design tab and then Grid section.
This section lets you define the number of columns for
- Desktop
- Tablet
- Phone
It ensures responsiveness of the FAQ grid
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Step 6 - Open/Close Behavior - Divi Module

In the divi module, goto Design tab and then Open/Close Behavior section.
It helps to control open / close behavior of FAQs.
It has the following fields.
- Expand FAQ's by default - ON/OFF toggle switch.
- Set ON to keep all the FAQs expanded as default. Set OFF to keep all FAQs shut by default
- Number of faqs open at once
- Shows when Expand FAQ's by default is ON.
- Set One to open one FAQ at a time.
- Set Many to allow any number FAQ to open at once.
- Expand FAQ's by default - ON/OFF toggle switch.
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Step 7 - Icon - Divi Module

In the divi module, goto Design tab and then Icon section.
Select, orient & style icons
It has the following fields
- Icon Placement : Supports 3 values - left, right, none
- Select left to place the icon to the left
- Select right to place the icon to the right
- Select none to hide the icon
- Color when close
- Shows up when Icon Placement is left or right.
- Select the color of the icon, when the FAQ accordion is in collapse state
- Color when open :
- Shows up when Icon Placement is left or right.
- Select the color of the icon, when the FAQ accordion is expand state
- Icon Placement : Supports 3 values - left, right, none
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Step 8 - FAQ List Wrapper - Divi Module

In the divi module, goto Design tab and then FAQ List Wrapper section.
It represents the container Of A FAQ items List
It has the following fields
- Margin
- Padding
- Border Size Top
- Border Right Size
- Border Bottom Size
- Border Left Size
- Border Color
- Border Style
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Step 9 - FAQ Item Wrapper - Divi Module

In the divi module, goto Design tab and then FAQ Item Wrapper section.
It represents the container for single FAQ item
It has the following fields.
- Margin
- Padding
- Border Top Size
- Border Right Size
- Border Bottom Size
- Border Left Size
- Border Color
- Border Style
- Box Shadow
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Step 10 - Question - Divi Module

In the divi module, goto Design tab and then Question section.
Its represents the question in the FAQ item
It has the following fields.
- Margin
- Padding
- Border Top
- Border Right
- Border Bottom
- Border Left
- Border Color
- Border Style
- Text Color - FAQ Open
- FAQ Question Title Font
- FAQ Question Title Font Weight
- FAQ Question Title Font Style
- FAQ Question Title Text Alignment
- Text Color - FAQ Close
- FAQ Question Title Text Color
- FAQ Question Title Text Size
- FAQ Question Title Letter Spacing
- FAQ Question Title Line Height
- FAQ Question Title Text Shadow
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Step 11 - Answer - Divi Module

In the divi module, goto Design tab and then Answer section.
It represents the answer in the divi module.
It has the following fields
- Margin
- Padding
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