Add, Verify & Maintain Freemius Product In WordPress
WordPress Toolkit For Freemius plugin synchronizes your products in your WordPress website.
You no longer need to manually sync data between freemius and your website!
Use this plugin on your product page to,
- Add single/multi pricing tables with product structured data.
- Show freemius reviews listing.
- Show secure badge.
- Show money-back guarantee.
- Show installs count social proof
It also includes a webhook listener that can listen to freemius webhook calls.
Custom add-ons use the listener to trigger work-flow events/functionality
- A WordPress website
- WordPress Toolkit For Freemius plugin subscription
- Computer
- Text Editor
Total Duration : 5 minutes
Start your FREE trial. You can cancel your trial anytime within the trial period.
Step 1 - Where To Look For Product Key Data In Freemius Dashboard

Login to your Freemius Dashboard.
Select the freemius product you want to sync.
Click on SETTINGS submenu and then click on KEYS (annotation 1).
The ID (annotation 2), is the Product ID
The Public Key in annotation 3, is the Product Public Key
The Secret Key in annotation 4, is the Product Secret Key
Start your FREE trial. You can cancel your trial anytime within the trial period.
Step 2 - Create Freemius Product in WordPress Admin

Login to your WordPress Admin.
Click Freemius Products > Add New (annotation 1) to created a new product form.
Enter the Product Title (annotation 2) in input for post title. Structured data uses this.
Enter the Product Description (annotation 3) in gutenberg editor. Structured data uses this.
Enter the Product ID (annotation 4). This data comes from freemius dashboard. Refer to the previous step.
Enter the Product Public Key (annotation 5). This data comes from freemius dashboard. Refer to the previous step.
Enter the Product Private Key (annotation 6). This data comes from freemius dashboard. Refer to the previous step.
Publish (annotation 7) the freemius product.
Start your FREE trial. You can cancel your trial anytime within the trial period.
Step 3 - Verify & Synchronize Product Data

Once published, the plugin will verify the API details and fetch the product information.
A green tick for API Connected? row indicates the API details are fetched. Click on Sync (annotation 1) to fetch fresh data.
A green tick for Plans & Features Synced? row indicates the plans & their features details are fetched. Click on Sync (annotation 2) to fetch fresh data.
Note: On product creation, Plans & Features data syncs automatically for the first time (i.e sync button is auto-triggered).
A green tick for Reviews Synced? row indicates the reviews are synced. You need to enter comma-separated review IDs in the input box (annotation 4). Click on Sync (annotation 4) to fetch fresh data.
Annotation 5 shows your products webhook listener URL. Use this URL to configure the webhooks listener in your product's freemius dashboard.
Annotation 6 shows you the shortcode documentation and sample pre-filled shortcode. Since it's pre-filled, you will need minor adjustments to get it working as per your needs.
Start your FREE trial. You can cancel your trial anytime within the trial period.