Freemius Toolkit Shortcode Documentation & Demo

WordPress toolkit for freemius helps create single/multiple pricing tables, reviews, secure badge, money-back guarantee and installs count shortcodes using data from It includes a freemius webhook listener.


  1. A WordPress website
  2. A freemius account
  3. A subscription to WordPress Toolkit For Freemius plugin


  1. Computer
  2. File Editor

Estimated Cost : 19.99 USD to 339.99 USD

Total Duration : 10 minutes


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Single Plan Pricing Table Shortcode

Single Plan Pricing Table Shortcode
  1. Shortcode Attributes
    1. freemius_item_id : Post ID of Freemium Item post type
    2. plan_id : Freemius Plan ID. Note: Please don't use FREE plan ID
    3. default_license : Sets the default license of your pricing table. Depending on the licenses set in your plan, the value can be 1, 2, unlimited etc.
    4. default_duration : Sets the default duration of your pricing table. Depending on the durations set in your plan, the value can be monthly, annual or lifetime.
    5. default_currency : Sets the default currency of your pricing table. Depending on the currencies set in your plan, the value can be usd, eur or gbp. Default is usd
    6. licenses : Comma-separated license values. Only these licenses will show up in the pricing table. For e.g unlimited,5,1. Please note, the default_license value needs to be present in this list
    7. durations : Comma-separated duration values. Only these durations will show up in the pricing table. For e.g lifetime,annual,monthly. Please note, the default_duration value needs to be present in this list
    8. currencies : Comma-separated currency values. Only these currencies will show up in the pricing table. For e.g usd,eur,gbp. Please note, the default_currency value needs to be present in this list
    9. columns_by : Groups pricing table column entries using a combination of this attribute and default_license (if license is set) OR default_duration (if duration is set). Allowed values are duration and license. Default value is duration. When duration is set and default_duration is annual for e.g, the pricing columns will have annual prices for all the licenses and default_currency. The license switching will be done via all durations values
    10. buy_btn_name : Buy button name. Default value is Buy Now
    11. show_trial_link_if_present : Shows a free trial link if plan has a free trial. 1 show link if present while 0 hides the link. Default value is 1
    12. create_structured_data : Creates a ld+json based structured data for Product. Product name, description and pricing range information is included. 1 creates the structured data while 0 doesn't. Default value is 1.
    13. cols_lg : Number of pricing table columns for browser width > 75em. Default is 3. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    14. cols_md : Number of pricing table columns for browser width > 64em. Default is 3. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    15. cols_sm : Number of pricing table columns for browser width > 48em. Default is 1. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    16. cols_xs : Number of pricing table columns for browser width > 30em. Default is 1. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    17. css_id : CSS ID for the pricing table. This is optional


    $ £ 109.99 ONCE
    • Style Placeholders
    • Style Border
    • Style Title
    • Style Description
    • Style Button
    • Style Input
    • Style Label


    $ £ 3.99 MO
    • Style Placeholders
    • Style Border
    • Style Title
    • Style Description
    • Style Button
    • Style Input
    • Style Label

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Multi Plans Pricing Table Shortcode

Multi Plans Pricing Table Shortcode
  1. This shortcode creates a pricing table using multiple plans. Includes a license & duration based plan switcher. It also includes a currency switcher.

    Shortcode Attributes
    1. freemius_item_id : Post ID of Freemium Item post type
    2. plan_ids : Comma-separated Plan IDs. Note: Please don't use FREE plan ID
    3. recommended_plan_id : ID of the plan that is recommended.
    4. default_license : Sets the default license of your pricing table. Depending on the licenses set in your plan, the value can be 1, 2, unlimited etc.
    5. default_duration : Sets the default duration of your pricing table. Depending on the durations set in your plan, the value can be monthly, annual or lifetime.
    6. default_currency : Sets the default currency of your pricing table. Depending on the currencies set in your plan, the value can be usd, eur or gbp. Default is usd
    7. licenses : Comma-separated license values. Only these licenses will show up in the pricing table. For e.g unlimited,5,1. Please note, the default_license value needs to be present in this list
    8. durations : Comma-separated duration values. Only these durations will show up in the pricing table. For e.g lifetime,annual,monthly. Please note, the default_duration value needs to be present in this list
    9. currencies : Comma-separated currency values. Only these currencies will show up in the pricing table. For e.g usd,eur,gbp. Please note, the default_currency value needs to be present in this list
    10. switcher_type : Groups plan pricing column entries using a combination of this attribute and default_license (if license is set) and default_duration (if duration is set). Allowed values are duration and license. Default value is duration. When duration is set and default_duration is annual for e.g, the pricing columns will have annual prices for plans having default_license and default_currency. The license switching will be done via all durations values
    11. buy_btn_name : Buy button name. Default value is Buy Now
    12. show_trial_link_if_present : Shows a free trial link if plan has a free trial. 1 show link if present while 0 hides the link. Default value is 1
    13. create_structured_data : Creates a ld+json based structured data for Product. Product name, description and pricing range information is included. 1 creates the structured data while 0 doesn't. Default value is 1.
    14. cols_lg : Number of pricing table columns for browser width > 75em. Default is 3. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    15. cols_md : Number of pricing table columns for browser width > 64em. Default is 3. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    16. cols_sm : Number of pricing table columns for browser width > 48em. Default is 1. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    17. cols_xs : Number of pricing table columns for browser width > 30em. Default is 1. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    18. css_id : CSS ID for the pricing table. This is optional


    $ £ 0.00 MO

    Good for small agencies

    • Style Placeholders
    • Style Border
    • Style Title
    • Style Description
    • Style Button
    • Style Input
    • Style Label


    $ £ 0.00 MO

    A plan for large agencies

    • All plans from gold plan
    • Style Placeholders
    • Style Border
    • Style Title
    • Style Description
    • Style Button
    • Style Input
    • Style Label

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Plugin Installs Count Social Proof Shortcode

Plugin Installs Count Social Proof Shortcode
  1. Shortcode Attributes
    1. freemius_item_id : Post ID of Freemium Item post type
    2. install_counts : The type of installs count to use. Default value is active. Available values are active and active_and_inactive. active shows count of websites with active installs. active_and_inactive shows counts of both active and inactive installs
    3. html_tag : HTML tag to used for the installs account text. Default is div
    4. css_id : CSS ID for the pricing table. This is optional
    Trusted by over 4123 Websites and Businesses

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Freemius Review Listing Shortcode

Freemius Review Listing Shortcode
  1. This shortcode shows the reviews for the plugin

    Shortcode Attributes
    1. freemius_item_id : Post ID of Freemium Item post type
    2. ids : Comma-separated list of the review IDs. Use -1 to show all the reviews saved in Freemium Item's post meta
    3. title_html_tag : HTML tag for the review title. Default value is h2
    4. show_image_if_present : Show real image if present. Value of 1 shows the image. 0 shows a placeholder image. Default value is 0
    5. star_fill_color : Fill color for the review star. Default value is gold
    6. star_border_color : Border color for the review star. Default value is gold
    7. cols_lg : Number of reviews per row for browser width > 75em. Default is 2. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    8. cols_md : Number of reviews per row for browser width > 64em. Default is 2. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    9. cols_sm : Number of reviews per row for browser width > 48em. Default is 1. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    10. cols_xs : Number of reviews per row for browser width > 30em. Default is 1. Allowed values are 1,2,3,4,6,12
    11. css_id : CSS ID for the pricing table. This is optional

    Excellent plugin

    This is the best plugin ever. Does exactly what it advertises.

    WP Tools, WP Tools

    Cillum voluptate voluptate

    Minim nulla et non sint cillum voluptate voluptate sunt esse ex cillum.

    Minim nulla, WP Tools

    Exercitation reprehenderit

    nisi magnExercitation reprehenderit a nostrud quis ipsum excepteur aliqua sit enim.

    Nostrud Quis, WP Tools

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Secure Payment Badge Shortcode

Secure Payment Badge Shortcode
  1. This shortcode shows a Freemius secure badge

    Shortcode Attributes
    1. theme : Theme of the secure badge. Available values are light and dark. Default value is light
    2. alt_text : Text for the alt attribute of the secure badge. This is optional
    Secure payments by Freemius - Sell and market freemium and premium WordPress plugins & themes

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Money-back Guarantee Shortcode

Money-back Guarantee Shortcode
  1. This shortcode shows money back guarantee associated with the freemius plugin/theme.

    Shortcode Attributes
    1. freemius_item_id : Post ID of Freemium Item post type
    All plans have a 7-days Double Guarantee refund policy.

    You are fully protected by our 100% No-Risk Double Guarantee. If you don't like our plugin over the next 7 days, we'll happily refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.


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