How To Create "Masonry Blog Gallery" In Divi
Masonry gallery makes for beautiful page aesthetics. It makes your webpage look professional
Create a blog masonry image gallery for any custom post type
With the Masonry Posts Divi Module,
- Get blog/custom post listing using custom query filters.
- Complete control over the content. Show/hide
- Image
- Title
- Description
- Meta fields like author, date, categories and comment count
- Setup pagination if needed
- Set responsive masonry columns for all types of devices.
- Control space between columns
- Create an image overlay on hover.
- Styling options for all element of the masonry grid
We’ll use the Project post type available in theme Divi for this howto.
- A WordPress website
- Divi Theme by Elegant Themes
- Masonry Gallery & Post For Divi plugin
- Computer
Total Duration : 9 minutes
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Step 1 - Setup Project Data (Optional)
To setup project data
- Download image attachment import file - masonry-project-entries.xml
- Install & activate the WordPress Importer plugin.
- To import the project entries,
- Log into WordPress Admin
- Goto Tools > Import
- Click on Run Importer
- Select the masonry-project-entries file for upload
- Click Upload file and import button
- Assign Author for the imported images
- Select the Download and import file attachments checkbox
- Click Submit button
- In sometime the importer will download and setup the project entries
- Visit WordPress Admin > Projects > All Projects and confirm if the project entries are setup
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Step 2 - Insert "Masonry Posts" Divi Module
Masonry Posts module is available for regular and full-width section
- Edit a page in divi's visual builder.
- Within a divi row click on the plus icon for Add New Module
- Search for Masonry Posts, click and add the divi module.
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Step 3 - Create Project's Masonry Blog Gallery
To create a blog listing masonry gallery using the Masonry Postsdivi module
- Select blog items for the masonry gallery
- Click on Content tab
- Select the Post Filter accordion toggle and open it
- Post Type - A drop-down of available post types on your website.
- Post Status - A multi-select field for available post statuses on your website
- Order By - Set the sort criteria type.
- No Order - Don't use any sorting criteria
- Post ID - Sort by the ID of blog item
- Author - Sort by blog item author name
- Title - Sort by blog item title
- Slug - Sort by blog item slug
- Date - Sort by blog item date
- Last Modified Date - Sort by the last modified date
- Random - Sort randomly
- Menu Order - Sort by the "Order" values in the blog's Attributes section. It's found on the edit page of the blog item
- ID Order in "post__in" - Sort by order of the ID's entered in the Include Posts By IDs field.
- Order Direction - Set the direction of the sort. Options are
- Ascending Sort in ascending order. For example A to Z
- Descending Sort in descending order. For example Z to A
- Filter By Categories | Tags - Drop-down field for filtering blog items by
- None - No filtering by categories / tags.
- Categories - Filter By Categories
- A multi-select Categories field becomes visible. Select one or more categories
- Tags - Filter By Tags
- A multi-select Tags field becomes visible. Select one or more tags
- Include Posts By IDs - Create a masonry gallery by adding comma-separated blog item IDs.
- This option super-seeds all other options in custom filter
- Set Order By drop-down field to ID Order in "post__in" when using this. It sorts blog items in the order of the entered image IDs
- Exclude Posts By IDs - To exclude blog items from the custom filter add comma-separated image IDs.
- Posts Per Page - Set the number of blog items to fetch by query/page. Set -1 to fetch all blog items
- Setup content
- Click on Content tab
- Select the Content accordion toggle and open it
- "No Posts" Error Heading - Set the title message to show on no blog items.
- "No Posts" Error Body - Set the body message to show on no blog items.
- Show Image - A ON/OFF toggle to show/hide blog item featured image
- Show Description- A drop-down field for description. Options are
- None - Don't show description
- Excerpt - Use the blog item excerpt
- Post Content - Use the blog item post content
- Description Character Count - Set the character count limit for the masonry item description
- Description Suffix - Add a suffix to description. A ellipse ... is sometimes used.
- Show Meta Fields - Toggle ON/OFF field to show/hide meta fields. When set to ON
- Show Author - Show/hide author of the blog item
- Show Date - Show/hide date of the blog item creation
- Date Format - Set the format of the date
- Show Categories - Show/hide the categories of the blog item
- Show Comment Count - Show/hide the count of the comments of the blog item
- Show "Read More" Button - Show/hide button for the blog item
- Open URL In New Window - Set ON to open the URL in the new window.
- Show Pagination - Set ON to enable pagination.
- Masonry Settings
- Here you will set the responsive number of columns and their spacing.
- Click on Content tab
- Select the Masonry Settings accordion toggle and open it
- Columns - Responsive field to set the number of columns for desktop, tablet and phone devices
- Space Between Items Set the space between each grid item. We apply margin right and bottom to get item.
- Masonry Styling
- Background - To set the background
- Click on Content tab
- Select the Background accordion toggle and open it
- Set color, gradient, image or video background
- Grid Item - Represents styles for a grid item. You can style
- Click on Design tab
- Select the Grid Item accordion toggle and open it
- Background
- Border
- Border Corner (radius)
- Box Shadow
- Grid Item : Hover Overlay - Represents the overlay on grid item mouse over. Options are
- Click on Design tab
- Select the Grid Item : Hover Overlay accordion toggle and open it
- Show Grid Item Overlay On Hover - An ON/OFF toggle to show / hide over on item mouse over. When set to ON, set
- Background
- Set icon, its size and color
- Show Grid Item Overlay On Hover - An ON/OFF toggle to show / hide over on item mouse over. When set to ON, set
- Title - Represents the styles for the title when shown.
- Click on Design tab
- Select the Title accordion toggle and open it. Style
- Margin & Padding
- Set heading level
- Set fonts, style, alignment, color, size, letter spacing, line height and shadow
- Meta Text - Represents author, date, comments count and categories text. Set styles for
- Margin & Padding
- Set fonts, style, alignment, color, size, letter spacing, line height and shadow
- Description - Represents the styles for the description when shown.
- Click on Design tab
- Select the Description accordion toggle and open it. Style
- Margin & Padding
- Set fonts, style, alignment, color, size, letter spacing, line height and shadow
- Button - Represents the button on the grid item
- Enable Use Custom Styles For Button if you want to setup custom button styles.
- Set button text styles
- Button background
- Button border
- Button icon
- Margin and padding
- Button Alignment - Set the alignment of the button.
- Enable Use Custom Styles For Button if you want to setup custom button styles.
- Pagination Link Text - Represent the pagination links. Set style for
- Set fonts, style, alignment, color, size, letter spacing, line height and shadow
- "No Posts" Error Heading - Represent the error title when there are no posts. Set style for
- Set fonts, style, alignment, color, size, letter spacing, line height and shadow
- "No Posts" Error Heading - Represent the error message when there are no posts. Set style for
- Set fonts, style, alignment, color, size, letter spacing, line height and shadow
- Spacing Set margin and padding for the masonry grid
- Click on Design tab
- Select the Spacing accordion toggle
- Border Set border for the masonry grid
- Click on Design tab
- Select the Border accordion toggle
- Box Shadow Set box shadow for the masonry grid
- Click on Design tab
- Select the Box Shadow accordion toggle
- Custom CSS Set custom css for elements of the masonry grid
- Click on Advanced tab
- Select the Custom CSS accordion toggle
- Lot of grid elements available for setting custom css
- Background - To set the background
- Select blog items for the masonry gallery
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Step 4 - Demo Page Layouts
Below are demo page layouts for the Masonry Posts divi module. Import them to your WordPress page to see them in action.
To Import A Demo Page Layout
- Create/edit a page in the divi visual builder.
- To show the page settings toolbar at the bottom, click on the ellipsis icon.
- Click on the portability icon.
- A modal window to export/import the page shows up
- Click on Import tab.
- Check Replace existing content if you wipe off existing content after import.
- Select the divi builder layout json file from your file manager.
- Click on Import Divi Builder Layout button to start the import.
- Once imported, page reloads with the imported layout.
- Save the page.
Please find the demo divi builder layouts below.
Download - Masonry Blogs Layout Masonry blog layout for `Project` Post Type
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